Welcome to page where you can find all information of prime numbers.

On this page you will discover how strange and curious these numbers are, and why they are considered the Holy Grail of Mathematics

What is a prime number?, how to factoring?, what are composite numbers?, how to obtaining factors, divisors and multiples?


  • We also have a list of prime numbers up to 100, 1000 or 10000 and prime number calculator to test if a number is prime.
  • Here We explain what are the Fermat primes, Mersenne primes and twin primes.
  • You also learn how to calculate prime numbers with the Sieve of Eratosthenes.
  • Also you will know which is the largest prime number that exists and and how was calculated and you can discuss about is one a prime number or not, or if the primes are infinite.
  • Or you can discuss conjectures and theorems of Fermat and Euler and see the application of the prime numbers in cryptography.
  • In addition We propose some curiosities and math games so you can work your mind with primes.


Do you dare to recognize a pattern to the prime numbers?

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